Success Stories

I Don’t Help In The Ordinary Ways – I Have An Extraordinary Coaching Program That Takes you Into Your Fullness – And Lifts You up Into And Beyond Your Dreams. 

Read My Clients Success Stories Here

“Looking back, it changed my life. I can handle everything so much easier. It’s just amazing!”

Barbara V.
Interior Designer

“People are noticing I’m glowing and I have experienced a lot of inner growth about achieving the unbelievable. My worry has disappeared and I feel a lightness over me!”
- Beth N.
Nurse Practitioner
"I’m so absolutely grateful that i stepped up and jumped right in at a time I really needed guidance. This course is life changing. A must, I feel for every woman. Whatever stage of life she is in.
Leslie is brilliant at guiding us and helping us see what we need to work on!"
- Kelly S.
Retail Business Owner
"Leslie’s program is thoughtfully laid out and nicely paced for true growth. She is a great listener and her feedback is insightful, helpful and gives me just the right challenge to help me push forward."
- Shellie W.
Reading Specialist
“I was very codependent and now I can feel I am not dependent on him for my wellness. I am much more focused on myself and it’s been REAL and it’s projecting outward and am having A LOT more positive interactions and experiences. I attract them. I KNOW and FEEL my inner change.”
- Sylvia P.
Wife, Grandma, Volunteer
“I’m so grateful I found you to help me peel away these negative filters, and live the life I dream about! All of it! I realize now that my low confidence, lack of glow at times, and my fears of not achieving my goals, have all been negative filters, I’ve allowed myself to believe!”
- Raquel T.
Principal Technical Architect, Retired

“I look back at all of those years and see just how miserable I was. In a LOT of pictures I really do not look healthy either. With loving me and who I am, I’m now able to enjoy me. I’m happy with my size & weight, which happens to be a very healthy weight for my size.”

Melinda H.
Forensic Accountant

Jennie P''s Story

The Amazing You Program really helped me acknowledge my past while not dwelling on it. I have always struggled with a lack of confidence and second guessing myself, due to my history with an emotionally abusive mother. Leslie offers so much wisdom and encouragement to live in the fullness of who God created me to be. She is the ultimate cheerleader and coach who believes in celebrating even the smallest of wins.

I grew a lot during the 10 week program, becoming more of myself and believing in myself. The week that really spoke to me the most had to do with living in love, not fear. As a person who has also struggled with fear and anxiety for most of my life, this was also very transformative for me, especially as a mom of three teenagers.

I am eternally grateful to Leslie for believing in me and equipping me to live my best, most abundant, and fearless life. Now, when fear creeps in, I recognize it and I’m able to stop it from taking root in my head and heart. I would highly recommend the Amazing You Program to any woman who is feeling stuck in their life.

– Jennie P.
Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner (FMNP)

"I wake up now and it's a new day in love! I live in the NOW now and I get to be ALL of who I am everywhere!"
- Brandy A.
“I had lost my sense of worth and belonging. Now, I have so much love coming from me from the top of my head to my toes!”
- Melinda H.
Forensic Accountant

Debra V's Story

I thought I had it all, a new marriage, I am healthy, happy and have successful grown kids, yet I felt empty in a lot of ways.
After living life on a roller coaster… days of feeling so depressed to happy days, I knew I wanted the happy days to continue.

I reached out to Doug and Leslie and had a call with them. They realized it would be great for me to be in the “Amazing You” program.
I jumped right in, eager to change my life and it did, DRAMATICALLY!

Every module hits home in an area I needed work on. It’s amazing and actually fun to do the homework. I looked forward to it every week.
I just can’t even begin to explain the transformation that has taken place. I don’t worry what people think, I know I’m a good person. I don’t fear things that would have debilitated me before. I don’t have social phobia, always wondering if people like me or not. All the things that brought me down are in the past. I’m not gonna lie, they do sometimes creep back in, the difference is, now I have the tools to control it!

After the 10 weeks were done, I felt great…..yet I wasn’t ready to do it completely on my own. I signed up for the momentum program to help keep me on track.

I figured it took me a lifetime to get where I was. It was miraculous that in just 10 weeks, I healed so much, yet I wanted to be sure I was ready to take life on stronger and more confident than ever.

I highly recommend this. A world of difference than spending week after week in a therapist’s office seeing minimal results!

-Debra V.
Fashion & Interior Designer

“I know just for me, I’m OK! When I started the program I was anxious and crying all the time - not anymore! I don’t have to control out of fear. Also, I think people who don’t like me are missing out!"
- Valerie H.
Author & Speaker
“The program has helped me become a better person and let go of the little things and focus on what matters. I’ve become more true to me!”
- Maria S.
“I am living out my best self instead of overanalyzing everything. I have spontaneous generosity now and my life brings me joy, not dread and fear.”
- Cynthia N.
Network Marketer

Valerie B's Story

I am doing great – I have new life and continue to fill it with joy, empowerment, peace, and trust in myself and God. I feel the best is here now – and there’s more to come.

I sure do love you Leslie and what you do in this world for women.

I started the program in Jan 2021.

My experience was so fulfilling and inspirational. I had 100% support through the whole process and was successful in meeting the goals and dreams I had for my life.

I had the right tools and transformational principles and combined with my determined attitude to learn, that transformation took place at a rapid pace.

There were so many growth strategies in this step-by-step Program. And these meant the world to me.
These included:
The positive events/insights/actions I have experienced are:

I highly recommend this program for anyone that is committed to living a full life that is created by you for you alongside a dynamic group of women and a mentor/coach who loves on you and guides you every step of the way.

-Valerie B.,
Medical Systems Sales


“I am much more solid in my decision-making abilities and breaking down tasks. I have a stronger sense of my own personal power and boundaries. I am much more accepting and hopeful about my life and marriage.”
- Laura L.
Small Healthcare Business Owner
“Up until now, I had never been able to share deeply like this with anyone. You are so loving and safe. My life is about me now and I am able to assert myself with my husband. and I have self-awareness and so much love inside of me that I now live in every day.”
- Melinda H.
Forensic Accountant
I’ve opened up. I love myself and people more. I am being my real self at work and people relate to me more.
- Annie N.
Nurse Practitioner
"I'm walking in the goodness
of who I am.
I am living my best self!"
- Tracy G.
"I wake up now and it's a new day in love. I'm in the 'Now' now and that has really changed things."
- Maureen D
I'm more solid in my decision making, have a stronger sense of my own personal power and feel more accepting and hopeful.
- Lydia M.
Small Business Owner
“I’m so glad I have my voice back and my connection to God back after 10 years and I’m not taking any s&$t anymore!”
- Fran N.
Technical Sales
“I’m much more aware of my subconscious and how it effects me. I’m facing my fears, taking more risks and feel more alive.
- Carol C.
Ministry Leader

“I’m sure you have heard this countless times, but this program is so transformative!”

- Gayle T.
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