My husband, who I adore, gets lost easily. He’ll drive to a new location – say someone’s house, spend the evening, and have no idea how to get out of their neighborhood. He openly admits this. (He didn’t always 😉 )
Back in the day where you had to use maps, those befuddled him. Didn’t help at all.
But now, the electronic miracle of GPS on our phones, gets him everywhere with ease -well, most of the time anyway.
I say this, not to make fun of him, but to make a point.
At times we all get lost – not geographically but emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. We lose our way.
This can be a slow progression over the years. But it grows and grows and pretty soon we can’t find our way out of the neighborhood and into the freedom of a more meaningful life ahead.
I’ve spent 32 wonderful years being the GPS for women – to get what they want in life. To navigate the vast terrain of what it means to know themselves FULLY.
To get out of negative beliefs and into a brightly lit and flourishing world where they’re released from anything holding them back. ANYTHING HOLDING THEM BACK.
I’m the GPS for walking women through just the exact and powerful steps to drive anywhere they want to go – and know themselves so fully, that they’re unstoppable.
And I love what I do – being a Master Guide that comes alongside and helps you believe in yourself, trust the magnificent woman you already are – and chart the life that you want.
I don’t care why you’re lost or where you’ve ended up. I do care about what lies ahead.
Let me come alongside and we’ll turn all the corners needed and go down just the right streets to get you to thrive, to live in what makes you special and powerful and here’s what will happen –
You and I will look in the rearview mirror together as you leave behind doubt, lack of confidence, fear, anxiety and defeat. And will look ahead at what your life can be – successful, full of confidence and joy, connected, purposeful, alive!
If you want a Master Coach and Mentor to come alongside and steer you into a new life – where you create everything you want from a place of strength, courage and boldness, apply to work with me.