Setting Your Marriage On Fire

Well maybe I’m just thinking that the rooms are all on fire
Every time that you walk in the room
There is magic all around you, if I do say so myself
I have known this much longer than I’ve known you

   Stevie Nicks (Rooms On Fire)

For every woman I’ve worked with who wants to save her marriage – to bring love and passion back in, to feel loved and wanted, and to have a deep connection with her partner – three life-changing truths are at play:

  1. She has fallen in love with herself first
  2. She realizes she is the author of her life – no one else
  3. She learns that when she catches fire, everything changes

I’ve seen this over and over again. I’ve seen it in my own life. I’m a woman on fire – I’ve learned to surround every part of my life with light. I wake up ready to live fully. I spend each day in a vibrant, abundant mindset. And I have a great marriage.
So many women come to me wanting to ‘fix’ their marriages. And they wonder if they can fix it without their partner’s involvement. I give a resounding YES. In fact, I know that the ONLY way marriages truly change is when women change first. Sounds bold, but true.
Said differently, when a woman comes alive, stands in her own truth, and accepts nothing less than living the full version of herself – she is like a fire that spreads wildly affecting every single part of her life – including her career and lifestyle.
So I work with women to catch fire, blazing fire – knowing that whatever changes they want, they can have. Including a powerful, alive, mutually satisfying marriage.
If you want to learn my ‘fire’ secrets, you want a bustling, alive marriage and an exciting life – and are ready for your own personal journey –

And have a history of career or life accomplishment and have reasonable financial success, and want to be the master of your life and transform your marriage, then

Get on a free call with Doug – my husband and Breakthrough call coach and clinician with deep insight. You will love him and you will find out how it all works. No pressure – just great answers to what’s possible in your life.

Schedule your call by first watching the free webinar.

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